European Leasing & Consumer Credit Industry Annual Conventions 2019
The 2019 edition of the European Leasing & Consumer Credit Industry Annual Conventions took place in Budapest, Hungary, at the InterContinental Hotel, October 10-11. CODIX was an exhibitor at this unique meeting platform for leading business players active in the European leasing, automotive rental and consumer credit sectors.
Within a day and a half the international event covered a wide range of topical issues in interactive and parallel sessions with the participation of business leaders, industry experts and regulators. CODIX and its unique software solution iMX was represented by Amina Chakchouk, Business Expert in CODIX.
This year's agenda included an overview of key subjects and practices in the world of Leasing and Consumer Credit:
- AI & Financial Services in the global race for excellence and industrial leadership;
- Leasing in Europe and beyond;
- The leasing value chain;
- The future of European mobility:
The panel included a discussion between representatives from the cities, as well as the automotive leasing and rental industries. The panel also explained how to deal with environmental challenges, traffic, pollution, sustainability & fleet renewal.
- Future proofing of the retail finance framework:
With the on-going evaluation of the Consumer Credit Directive (CCD) by the European Commission and the wider digitalisation work carried out at European and international level, the expert panel in the 2019 Annual Conventions looked into the impact of digitalisation and innovation for consumers in their utilisation of retail financial service products. This includes the impact of increased digital distribution, the effects of AI, advanced data analytics and new market entrants as well as the potential need to adapt both regulatory framework and operational practices.
- Achieving personalised multi-channel service:
Customers’ demands are seemingly never ending, with expectations that services are available to them in the channel of their choice at the time they want it.
Focusing on customer outcomes through servitization – correctly formulated service-based models of finance are much more likely to meet customers’ needs.
- Making online platforms work:
Ideally, digital platforms deliver a low-cost, high quality and consistent experience for consumers and businesses. However, navigating this environment can present many challenges for the financial service provider.
- Operational & regulatory efficiency through technology:
Innovation and new technology solutions are providing for new and improved ways in carrying out core activities like creditworthiness assessments. The application of new technology can provide solutions to complicated and burdensome regulatory demands; however, it also raises a number of potential regulatory concerns. The expert looked into how technology can be applied to improve both operational efficiency and ease regulatory compliance, as well as how solutions can be designed to take into account any applicable frameworks.
- Making leasing technology fit for the future
* The Annual Convention of the European Leasing and Automotive Rental Industries is organised by Leaseurope, the European Federation of Leasing Company Associations.