Regional Conference on Factoring in CEE and SEE, Belgrade
CODIX attended the Regional Conference on Factoring in Central East and South East Europe which took place in Belgrade, Serbia, the 3-4 October. The venue of the event was Hyatt Regency Belgrade, Milentija Popovica.
On the first day of the event CODIX presented iMX – the event-driven enterprise management system. Its innovative blend of technologies optimizes the rapid implementation of tools customized to meet the requirements of each client, making it the leading software in several industries.
The Regional Conference on Factoring in Central East and South East Europe focused on the regional view on factoring, offering attendees a unique opportunity not only to discuss the current state of the Industry, the new challenges and products & markets development, but also to network with players in the same region.
The conference offered a mixture of presentations on Factoring, the state of the Economy in the region, the CEE and SEE market, the FCI reverse project and panels on Factoring in the CEE and SEE, the impact of the technology on the future of factoring, the compliance and legal requirements in factoring, credit insurance & factoring and how to increase the development of the two-factor model in the area. This year's agenda indcluded:
- Latest development and forecast of the Factoring in the CEE and SEE
- The State of the Economy in CEE/Serbia
- Will Technology change the Future of Factoring? Opportunities & Challenges
- Compliance and Legal Requirements in Factoring: How to avoid big losses in the region?
- Factoring and Credit Insurance
- FCI Solutions for promoting Cross-border Trade: Mechanics of Factoring.
Factoring continues to grow successfully both in mature markets and in emerging markets. Through their control methods and permanent monitoring of the receivables on their clients’ debtors, factoring companies are able to provide more financing than traditional lenders and, at the same time, limit their credit risks to a strict minimum. Factoring companies therefore play an important role in financing the economic activity, as well as during the financial crisis. Traditionally it is small and medium-sized companies that benefit most from this financial instrument, but also more important companies use factoring for flexible growth finance or for restructuring purposes.
CODIX provides worldwide the iMX software solution that handles Commercial, Corporate and Trade Finance, including: Factoring, ID, ABL, PO and Supply Chain/Inventory Finance, International, Reverse, Commercial loans, Leasing, as well as sophisticated client’s Accounts Management and Debt Collection capabilities. All of these products are managed in one centralized multilingual solution iMX, based on a flexible business rules event-driven engine. iMX also offers native integration with imaging, SMS, emails, telephony, banks, major credit insurers messaging systems and information databases. CODIX delivers the iMX solution with all customization and integration services.
The international event was attended by Yoana Miltenova, Senior Business Expert in CODIX Bulgaria.