8th EU Factoring Summit
CODIX is a Gold Sponsor of the 8th EU Factoring Summit which will take place on 20-21 April 2023 in Cologne, Germany. The conference is a joint initiative of FCI (the Global Representative Body for Factoring and Financing of Open Account Domestic and International Trade Receivables) & EUF (the EU Federation for Factoring and Commercial Finance).
The programme of the international event will address the latest updates and trends, as well as the impact of the Factoring and Commercial Finance Industry on the economy and employment in Europe. Among the key topics to be discussed by industry leaders, are:
- The most recent evolutions on the European Factoring scene, both in terms of figures and products offered
- How sustainability and ESG impact the factoring and Credit Insurance Industry?
- What does the factoring industry look like in Germany?
- What roused the factoring industry in 2022?
- What are the revisions made by the EU Commission on late payment directive?
- The impact of e-invoicing, Payment Services Directive revision and future EU initiatives in open finance
- Some views on the future of factoring from senior executives
The conference will be attended by CODIX top management who will make a presentation on 20th April, sharing their perspective on the development of the factoring and commercial finance industry and explaining how technology can be leveraged. The event is targeted to FCI members, CEOs of Industry players who are members of National Associations represented by the EUF or other European and interested countries, Supply Chain Finance companies, companies offering their services to the world of factoring (lawyers, insurers, IT providers) and more.
FCI and EUF represent over 98% of all European market players.